A DRUG REGIMEN FOR LEPTOSPIROSIS TREATMENT IN CATTLE SYMPTOMS Temperature 40- 41.5oC, dullness, anorexia, depression, paler to icterus mucous membrane, hypogalactia, some cases showed hydraemia and arching of back while micturition. The disease was recorded as acute and subacute form. Random urine and serum samples were collected. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis confirmed the L. pomona. TREATMENT 8 gms of dihydrostreptomycin on the first day, and from 2nd to 5th day procaine penicillin 30, 00, 000IU, penicillin G 10, 00, 000 IU, streptomycin sulphate 5 gms (Bistrepen- Alembic) administered intramuscularly. (Dihydrostreptomycin was used on 1st day at the rate of 25mg/ kg body weight for elimination of leptospiruria and subseque...