BOVINE LEPTOSPIROSIS- The Practitioner's Aspect


     Leptospirosis, a common bacterial infection of animals brings zoonotic consequences.

     A cow aged 6 years, calved two months back was presented with the history of anorexia, dullness and hypogalactia. Clinical examination revealed pale mucous membrane of eye and vulval lips. Temperature 39.2°C and yellow coloured urine. Serum and urine samples collected and confirmed for Leptospirosis through laboratory examination.

     Animal was treated with Streptomycin 8 gm intramuscularly, followed by daily procaine penicillin 30 lakh units, for four subsequent days twice daily and owner was advised to adopt strict hygienic measures while removing cows excreta because of possible zoonosis. Third day onward the cow showed gradual recovery and fully recovered on seventh day.

     On 10th day the cow attendant showed symptoms like fever (103°F), biphasic retro-orbital headache, chill, myalgia and excruciating muscular pain in thigh, calves ,lumbosacral as well as abdominal region, inappetance, cachexia and unable to walk long were also observed along with progressive weakness. On clinical examination it was suspected to be the skeletal muscular form of leptospirosis.

     Laboratory examination of serum and urine revealed presence of Leptospira interrogans pomona. The cow was administered Doxycycline 100 mg twice orally daily for 12 days. Recovery noticed from fifth day onward, but complete recovery achieved by 12th day.

  Field Trial Report – Leptospirosis zoonosis. The Indian journal of field veterinarian, vol 2:2 Oct - Dec 2006, p.45


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