
GDV (Gastric Dilatation Volvulus) in dogs

   GDV (Gastric Dilatation Volvulus) in dogs Overview GDV (a bloated, twisted stomach), is a painful, life-threatening condition that requires emergency treatment. Bloat and retching are the most common symptoms of a GDV. Contact your vet immediately if your dog has symptoms of a GDV. Never wait to see if things improve - faster treatment means a better chance of survival. If your dog has a GDV, they will need an operation to un-twist their stomach but sadly, due to the seriousness of the condition, even with treatment, some GDVs are still fatal. Deep chested, large and giant breed dogs are most at risk of a GDV. What is GDV? A GDV is when the stomach bloats and twists around itself. Once the stomach twists, it quickly starts to fill with gas, causing severe and life threatening bloat. The only cure for a GDV is an operation to reverse the twist but sadly, due to the seriousness of the condition, even with treatment, some GDVs are still fatal. Symptoms of GDV Bloat  (a swollen tummy) R
                                                                            Electric Shock In Birds Birds usually found road side in electrocuted condition and shows symptoms of shock such as dullness, shallow breathing. rapid but weak pulses and sometimes thick blood discharge from nostrils and eyes. shock is a state of hypovolumia or decreased effective peripheral circulation. electrocuted birds exhibit subnormal temperature upto 101℉ or even less sometimes. In such cases treatment should started with - Glucocorticoides upto 0.2ml intramuscular ( triamcinolone acetonide or dexamethasone) Topical AMA in eyes ( eg.ofloxacin 1 drop qid ) Systemic AMA (  eg. moxifloxacin upto 2 drops tid) Multivitamin  and essential amino acid in drinking water for 3-5 days Monitor  the body temp. until  it rise up to 105℉. Along with metabolism of fat and carbohydrates corticosteroides help to improve blood pressure and hence add in recovery from shock. mishandling and unnecessary use

Snake bite in canines

Snake bite in canines Snake bites are more common in canines then any other domesticated animals because of their small size. Even a very small amount of snake venom can be fatal to the pets. A boxer female of age 2.5 years old presented with the history of snake bite with clinical manifestations including rectal temp. 102.6*f 1) Frothy salivation 2) Swelling on head, neck and fore limb region 3) Recumbency 4) dysponea 5) bleeding from vagina. 1 physical examination revealed fank mark upper lip near to the nostrils. 5m fresh venousl blood was kept undisturbed in a test tube for 20 minutes shown with  no clotting , which was an indicator of consumption of coagulopathy and  re-confirmatory for snake bite. The treatment was started with snake venom antiserum along with normal saline. ( in this case 20 ml vial of snake venom antiserum  was administered with 500 ml normal saline @ 1ml/min) Inj. Dexamethasone- i/v route  Inj.Tranostat (Tranexamic aci


PYOMETRA IN BITCHES A spontaneous  uterine disease of middle aged to older aged bitches with or without drooling of pus from vagina. This condition occurs at the luteal phase and  animal starts showing symptoms after 18-90 days after completion of estrus. CLINICAL FORMS:-                           1] open pyometra                           2] closed pyometra BREED PREDILECTION:- can oocur in any breed but it is supposed to occur more commonly in rough-coated collies, rottweilers, miniature schnauzers, Cavalier King Charles spaniels, golden retrievers, Bernese mountain dogs, and English springer spaniels. Less common in  German shepherds, dachshunds, and Swedish hounds. ETIOLOGY:- exact etiology is not known but hormonal imbalance mainly high progesterone level is  one the most cause of the disease. cystic endometrial hyperplasia results ultimately in pyometra. Nulliperous bitches. Pseudopregnancy, irregular oestrous cycle can be considered as other etiological factors. CLIN

poultry diseases symptoms and treatments

Disease Etiology Signs Postmortem Diagnosis Treatment Vaccine/Control New Castle Paramyxo Greenish Haemorrhages on tip Signs ND colon NDV 100 ml (ND) Type-I Diarrhea of Proventriculus and Postmortem 1cc/2-6 L H 2 O 1 st week eye drop Gasping Cecal tonsils ELISA Aspirin 3 rd week 0 .5cc inj. Torticollis H.I 1cc/1L H 2 O 10 th week 1cc inj. Novacoc